Strategy – Hole #13, Lobster Pot
The play seemingly trite….hit the ball over the bunker onto the large green.
With the remnants of an old lobster boat framing the back of the green and a small, very well placed bunker in the front middle, “Lobster Pot” is Northumberland’s signature hole. It sits, awaiting the next errant shot, anticipating its own catch of the day.
Donald Ross could not have “turtle backed” the putting surface better. A shot just over the bunker will stop marvelously. However, when you have a superintendent that has the putting surface……well….perfect, the ball slowly trickles left off the green with the echoes of “uggghhhh” heard from adjoining holes!
Whether it’s the full shot from the tee or short pitch, the hole design requires the ball to get to the center of third of the green. No matter the hole location, from this position you stand a chance of making a putt.
On May and June mornings, one could almost reach out and touch the lobster boats offshore as crews scour the Strait for our favorite crustaceans. Just breathe in the salty air and allow your mind to wander. Inconsequential of the score card.